Max Wikström & Mike Pohjola – Agemonia

Agemonia is by far Finland’s biggest board game. It is a narrative co-operative game with roleplaying elements, and will come out on January. Lead designer Max Wikström and writer Mike Pohjola discuss the intricacies of creating the mechanics, setting, story, characters, crowdfunding, and production for a game of such unforeseen scope.

Max Wikström, Lead Designer, Toad Kings
Mike Pohjola, Writer and designer

Max is the mastermind behind the entire Agemonia project. By training and trade he is a visual designer in theater. On top of that he has over thirty years of experience as a roleplaying game master and world designer. As the founder of the company Toad Kings, he has many board games under his belt.

Mike Pohjola is a multidisciplinary writer and designer whose work tends to exist in the twilight realm between games and storytelling. He has worked on transmedia, tabletop RPGs, larps, film, television, theatre, literature, and many other forms, having won both the Prix Europa and the International Emmy Award for his work.