This year, Games Now! will run four mini-conferences! Within four days packed with content, our expert speakers will share their insights on what is hot in games right now!
Each GN! Event Day has a unique theme: The second GN! Event Day (Monday 23rd Jan) is themed “Amazing Game Art”. Games have developed a lot as an art form for the past decades and nowadays the field is packed with delightfully diverse examinations of playfulness and life!
On the second GN! Event Day we have speakers examining game art from various angles: games as arthouse games or live art; as well as the new wave of AI tools for visual arts and narrative design. At the end of the event, we visit the previous game jam as well as open the next jam, where anyone is welcomed to join in exploring how it is to jam games with an AI!
On-site: Aalto Studio’s Hybrid Stage located at K-floor on Harald Herlin Learning Centre, Otaniemi, Finland.
Online: Live stream at www.twitch.tv/gamesnowaaltofi & networking (as well as Japanese simultaneous translating) at GN! Discord https://discord.gg/YsgagHX.
:: Program ::
10:00-17:00 EET / 9:00 – 16:00 CET / 17:00 – 0:00 KST & JST
9:30 Registration opens at Harald Herlin Learning Centre, Otaniemi
10:00 The stream starts!
10:15-11:00 Thorsten S. Wiedemann: The New Wave. From Indie to Arthouse Games.「日本語の同時通訳あり」
11:00-11:45 Charlene Putney: Brave New Word: Co-Writing With Artificial Intelligence「日本語の同時通訳あり」
11:45-12:45 Lunch Break
12:45-13:30 Harold Hejazi: Adventures in Live Art Game Research
13:30-14:15 Kate Compton: Liquid Art: Machine Learning Art for Exploration and Interactivity (remote session)
14:15-14:30 Solip’s Summary!
14:30-14:45 Break
14:45-16:30 Game Jam Program: Review of GNOJ#7 games and kicking-off the GNOJ#8 with old and new mentors!「日本語の同時通訳あり」
17:00 Local Dinner at Fat Lizard, Otaniemi (self-funded)
Thorsten Wiedemann Charlene Putney Harold Hejazi Kate Compton
:: Game Jam ::

Our eight GN! Online Game Jam (Amazing AI Jam) will be kicked of at the end of the day, accompanied with mini presentations from our selection of experienced game jam mentors! Our jam continues the series of international online game jams, in collaboration with out network of GN! schools.
Eevi Korhonen, Jam Mentor GNOJ#8 Samuli Jääskeläinen, Jam Mentor GNOJ#8 Tarja Porkka-Kontturi, Jam Mentor GNOJ#8 Teemu Vilén, Jam Mentor (GNOJ#7) Chris Hong, Jam Mentor GNOJ#7 Noora Klaavu, Jam Mentor GNOJ#8 Jere Sanisalo, Jam Mentor GNOJ#8
Join the GN! Event Day to learn & network with others!
Annakaisa Kultima, GN! Host & Teacher Solip Park, GN! Host & Teacher