Leena Kuusniemi – Survival Game in the Data Regulation Jungle

Leena Kuusniemi

Launching your game globally means that you are reaching out to consumers in every country on this planet = you are exposed to all legal requirements in those countries. Personal data is now regulated in over 100 countries and more laws and regulations are on their way. In her lecture, Leena Kuusniemi will talk about how to navigate in the peril seas of data regulation and why you must pay attention, before your end-users or authorities do!

Leena Kuusniemi is a technology lawyer and MD of ICT Legal Consulting of Finland in Helsinki. She has worked in Legal departments of Rovio Entertainment and Nokia, supporting strategic technology licensing, mobile advertising and global privacy, data security and regulatory matters. Leena is a Visiting Fellow at the European Centre on Privacy and Cybersecurity (Maastricht University), lecturing regularly on both DPO Certification and Advance Master courses, and she has attended several EU Commission Working Groups around privacy, consumer rights and technology platform issues. Leena has her qualification degree from the University of Helsinki and an additional LL.M. (Law and Information Technology) from the University of Stockholm and has attended Harvard Law School’s Internet Law course in 2001.