This year, Games Now! will run four mini-conferences! Within four days packed with content, our expert speakers will share their insights on what is hot in games right now!
Each GN! Event Day has a unique theme: The first GN! Event Day (Monday 14th Nov) is themed “Low Code No Code”. The trend of easy to access game making tools and services has been building up for years, but the image of the development of digital games is very much still affected by the dominance of technology and programming profession. However, nowadays anyone can make a game and interesting game ideas can come to life even without any skills on programming. Or what should we even call programming these days?
On the first GN! Event Day we explore various different platforms and example games to give an idea how diverse this field is. At the end of the event, we kick-off a game jam, where anyone is welcomed to join the exploration of low-code and no-code tools for games!
The GN! Event Days are hybrid conferences. We have an on-site venue with streaming setup and the participants both in online and on-site are equally invited to participate to the networking and discussions.
On-site: Aalto Studio’s Hybrid Stage located at K-floor on Harald Herlin Learning Centre, Otaniemi
Online: Live stream at www.twitch.tv/gamesnowaaltofi & networking (as well as Japanese simultaneous translating) at GN! Discord https://discord.gg/YsgagHX
:: Program ::
10:00-17:00 EET / 9:00 – 16:00 CET / 17:00 – 0:00 KST & JST
9:45 Registration opens at Harald Herlin Learning Centre, Otaniemi
10:15-11:15 Adam Le Doux: Building Bitsy – A Little Engine for Little Games, Worlds, and Stories 「日本語の同時通訳あり」
11:15-12:00 Jarno “Killi” Kallunki-Mättö & Henri Forsström: HypeHype – The Future of Game Making and Playing is Mobile「日本語の同時通訳あり」
12:00-13:00 Lunch Break
13:00-13:30 Perttu (Borb) Tuovinen: EMUUROM: Using a Fantasy Console for Serious Gamedev
13:30-14:00 Pavla Oubret: Writing a Musical for Game Boy
14:00-14:30 Teemu Vilén: Make-A-Game and UGC
14:30-14:45 Summary
14:45-15:00 Break
15:00-16:00 Game Jam (GNOJ#7) Kickoff with Noora Klaavu, Chris Hong, Jere Sanisalo, & Teemu Vilén「日本語の同時通訳あり」
16:00-16:30 Networking
:: Game Jam ::
Our seventh GN! Online Game Jam (Low Code Game Jam) will be kicked of at the end of the day, accompanied with mini presentations from our selection of experienced game jam mentors! Our jam continues the series of international online game jams, in collaboration with out network of GN! schools.

Join the first ever GN! Event Day to learn more about the revolution of easy-to-access game making platforms; join our international game jam to meet new people and to explore your own creative powers! Everyone is welcomed!