Games Now! Event Days are mini-conferences packed with talks from selected expert speakers and additional content from our game jams.
The third GN! Event Day (Monday 6th March) is themed as “Games with an Agenda”. While most games belong to the domain of entertainment, their role in the society is not limited to frivolous past time activities. Games can be powerful vessels for education, training and societal impact!
Register via this form:
On the third GN! Event Day we have speakers exploring the world of applied games, citizen science games, as well as power of games and game companies from multiple angles. At the end of the event, we visit the previous game jam and open the next jam welcoming everyone to build games for forests!
On-site: Aalto Studio’s Hybrid Stage located at K-floor on Harald Herlin Learning Centre, Otaniemi, Finland.
Online: Live stream at www.twitch.tv/gamesnowaaltofi & networking at GN! Discord https://discord.gg/YsgagHX.
:: Program (tentative) ::
10:00-17:00 EET / 9:00 – 16:00 CET / 17:00 – 0:00 KST & JST
9:30 Registration opens at Harald Herlin Learning Centre, Otaniemi
10:00 The stream starts!
10:15-11:00 Wanda O Rly: From Vaccine Awareness to ADHD – Recipes for Applied Games
11:00-11:45 Jani Kahrama: Pelimetsä – Protecting Biodiversity with Game Studios
11:45-12:45 Lunch Break
12:45-13:15 Oleksandr Sienin: Ukraine War Stories – Developing a Game about the War around Us (remote session)
13:15-13:45 Tipi Ilmonen: Hidden Impact Messages of Punnu’s Game World
13:45-14:30 Seth Cooper: Crowdsourcing with Video Games (remote session)
14:30-14:45 Solip’s Summary!
14:45-15:00 Break
15:00-16:30 Game Jam Program: Review of GNOJ#8 games and Kicking-off the GNOJ#9 with mentors!
17:00 Local Dinner at Fat Lizard, Otaniemi (self-funded)
Wanda O Rly Jani Kahrama Oleksandr Sienin Tipi Ilmonen Seth Cooper
Tarja Porkka-Kontturi, Jam Mentor GNOJ#8 Arvi Teikari, Jam Mentor GNOJ#8 Samuli Jääskeläinen, Jam Mentor GNOJ#8 Eevi Korhonen, Jam Mentor GNOJ#8
:: Game Jam ::

Our ninth GN! Online Jam: Games for Forests Jam will be kicked off at the end of the day, accompanied with mini presentations from our selection of game jam mentors! Our jam continues the series of international online game jams, in collaboration with our network of GN! schools.
Ilona Mettiäinen, Jam Mentor GNOJ#9 Jani Kahrama, Jam Mentor GNOJ#9
Sanna Reponen, Jam Mentor GNOJ#9Tatu Laine, Jam Mentor GNOJ#9
Join the GN! Event Day to learn & network with others!
Annakaisa Kultima, GN! Host & Teacher Solip Park, GN! Host & Teacher